First SEDRIC Global Meeting this October – ‘mobilising surveillance and epidemiology data to inform patient care pathways’
11 September, 2019
Francesca Chiara
On October 9th in London, SEDRIC will host its first global meeting. The focus for the day will be ‘mobilising surveillance and epidemiology data to inform patient care pathways’.
The meeting will bring together SEDRIC members, AMR stakeholders and experts in the field of surveillance to raise awareness of surveillance gaps as identified by the work of the Consortium. We are excited to host WHO, CDC USA and CDC Africa, JPIAMR and UK Fleming Fund in a roundtable discussion to hear about international initiatives in surveillance. Attendees and members will also have an opportunity to share ideas and recommendations on how to shape our strategic priorities and activities going forward. The complete meeting agenda can be found here.
One of the focuses of our work so far has been to ensure we are including perspectives and experiences from low- and middle-income settings. To ensure we have those in London in October we have awarded ten travel bursaries.
The travel bursary awardees are:
Yogandree Ramsamy, PhD Student University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa |
Sulaiman Lakoh, Lecturer, University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone |
Francis Kazooka, Fleming Fund Grant Holder, Makarere University College, Uganda |
Nilar San, Lecturer, University of Medicine, Myanmar |
Ralalicia Limato, PhD Student, Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit, Indonesia |
Afreenish Amir, CDC Laboratory Coordinator, National Institute of Health, Pakistan |
Sylvia Omulo, Research Coordinator, Washington State University, Kenya |
Tracy King, PhD Student, University of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa |
Abi Manesh, Trainee in Infectious Diseases, Christian Medical College Vellore, India |
Oluwafemi Adewusi, Lecturer, University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone |
The meeting will be live-streamed from London, details on how to join will be available here. Members joining remotely will be able to send their comments and feedback through twitter at @Wellcome_AMR or our email account at
In order to attend you need to be a SEDRIC member. The meeting is by invitation only, please email the Secretariat at for more information.