We are a global think tank that promotes the power of data to tackle antimicrobial resistance.
We bring together diverse expertise to identify evidence gaps, describe solutions and advocate for research and policy change.
Why it’s important
Antibiotics are the cornerstone of modern medicine and have made procedures such as caesarean delivery and surgeries safe for millions. Drug-resistant bacteria threaten to roll back the clock on decades of progress if we don’t take work to address antimicrobial resistance.
Without action now, the number of people dying each year from drug-resistant infections could rise from 700,000 to 10 million by 2050.
What we do
We bring together diverse expertise to identify evidence gaps, describe solutions and advocate for research and policy change.

Working groups
Our working groups, comprised of SEDRIC Board members and the wider membership, investigate identified gaps in AMR surveillance.
More about working groups
We share the latest findings from our working groups and other research initiatives. All journal publications written by SEDRIC are open access and available to download.
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Member networking
SEDRIC connects AMR surveillance and epidemiology professionals around the world, and organises events to help our members network.
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